Making the world more alive and ABUNDANT

upcoming Food Forest classes & Tours

April 27th Food Forest Class
1-3pm at NE Community Center

May 1st Food Forest Class
6:30-8pm at Belmont Library

June 29th Food Forest Tour
11-12:30 at Cully #1 Food Forest

July 13 Food Forest Class
10am at Portland Nursery

 We are a 501(c)3 non-profit that designs, installs, and maintains nutritionally and calorically-dense permaculture / agroforestry landscapes that require little watering, sequester carbon, create habitat, enrich public spaces, and increase food security for decades.  Our Forest Gardens create a sanctuary space wherever they are, making the world more abundant and alive.

convert your yard into a food forest!

Advocating for the future

As an ecosystem-focused non-profit, we envision a verdant world of abundance. Everyone deserves food security and access to nutrient-dense foods. We advocate for food-producing afforestation of public and private spaces that are otherwise water-thirsty grass-spaces. Turning monocrop grass-spaces into productive perennial foodscapes boosts soil health and soil biology, letting nature work its magic, gently guided by the human hand and permaculture principles, and de-simplifying degraded land.

Land tending opportunity

We are looking to connect voluteer FOOD FOREST STEWARDS with homeowners that have agreed to convert their lawns into food forests in 2024. If you don’t have access to land and would like to tend a food forest, putting your PDC and or gardening experience to use in NE Portland or SE Portland, please consider joining us as we prepare for next year.

We love fruit trees and are here to help you maintain yours. Pruning is a skill that takes years of practice to hone and your trees deserve to be cared for by a skilled pruner who can guide your trees to health and production.

We are licensed, bonded, and insured OR #100328

why food forests?

For tens of thousands of years first peoples of the North American continent have tended their landbases, often in the form of perennial forest gardens, selecting for nutrient density and flavor without creating a degenerative disturbance in the ecosystem.

Unlike annual agriculture brought by european colonizers which sterilizes ecosystems, degrades soil, and produces nutrient-poor calories, Perennial forest gardens improve the ecosystem, improve soil health, and produce nutrient dense calories.

What is now the Portland metro area was home to Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, and Molalla peoples who interacted with the landscape in a (literally) sustainable way, tending its abundance, enriching its ecosystem, interconnected with all its inhabitants and cycles.

as we reconsider our place and work in the world, we recognize that It’s time to steward our landbase through regenerative practices and in relationship with the more-than-human world.


Your tax-deductable donation will go directly toward our programs, community outreach, plant propagation, and purchase of tools and plants. Your support is deeply appreciated!

Portland Food Forest Initiative

Edible landscaping in portland, permaculture design, regenerative urban farming.